Start Date: may 2024
Project Length: 1 month
Team Size: 3 members
My Role: Programing and Setting Up the Harduino and Xbox Kinect
Used Tools: Processing and Harduino
Description:This project was a collaboration between two classes, merging both programming and interface design. I was responsible for programming the entire game system, as my partners had difficulty working with Processing, so they focused more on the visual aspects, such as creating images and designing the explanation papers for the anomalies. In the game, players must detect and capture various anomalies. There are four main anomalies:
The Gnome: Visible and can be captured using the normal targeting system.
The Zombie: Invisible, requiring the use of an Arduino to detect its presence through beeping sounds and proximity lights.
Pepe: A screen-wide anomaly that can be removed by pressing the reset button, which resets the entire screen.
The Jaguar: Like the gnome but cannot be captured by the normal method. Instead, players must press the microphone button and scream at it to remove it.
Finally, there’s With, a being that uses the Kinect to detect your movement. With asks you to move or hide depending on its needs. If you follow its instructions, it disappears.
If you fail to manage these anomalies, you lose the game. As the game progresses, the spawn rate of anomalies increases, making it more challenging. At the beginning of the game, there’s a video tutorial explaining the gameplay and how to use the Arduino. Additionally, there are informational papers with details about the anomalies, as the game is designed to be more than just a game—it's an experience. The setup in the real world involves a dark room with a large window through which the players can see the game. The informational files about the anomalies are also placed nearby. This project was very exhausting due to the amount of work I had to do. I learned the importance of managing time and not overloading myself with tasks. While I’m proud of the final product, I don’t plan on using the Xbox Kinect again anytime soon. My favorite part of the experience was watching people panic while playing, especially when they had to scream at the Jaguar anomaly.
Image from the Instalation and Files